Monday, July 20, 2009

Noel Xmas Card

I was blessed with being picked to work on this chrismas card. My client was very cool and specific so it went really smoothly throughout the whole process. This was my first official freelance in the U.S. after graduating, so I was kinda nervous about how it would come out, but I like it and so does my client, so yay for xmas!

The illustration has different color options for the kids clothes as well, and also a version without the heads, so that people can put their kids heads on top of the bodies =D. The headless version looks a little bit creepy so I'm not gonna post here =D.

Cheers everyone and a great summer.



JMY said...

Hey nice and congrats on graduating/getting the job. Gonna miss seeing u around campus, looking good keep up the updating. I just have one question, is the center of the O on noel supposed to be in a different color?

theo said...

Thanks man. I miss the AAU as well. Hope to get back to SF to see some of u guys around. Anyways, it has frosting in the middle there, so that might be it, but if you're talking about anything else, it's just supposed to be like dough color or something.

Emerson Tung said...

cute card, theo! glad to see you expanding your horizon! :D

just like jimmy, will miss bumping into you in school. :( do ring us up when you are coming back yeah.